Do you work from home?
Have a bit of time after the school drop off?
Are you retired?
Or have a lifestyle that allows some flexibility?
If you have answered to yes to any of the above then our off peak membership is for you.
The off peak membership allows you to come to the gym as many times as you like between the hours of 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday as well as Saturday mornings.
This allows you access to the following sessions during the week:
8am - Open Gym
9:30am Coach Led Class
10:30am Open Gym
12:30pm Coach Led Class
5pm Coach Led Class
Depending on your day of choice these times will allow you to try all 3 of our fitness classes. ATP Strength, ATP Fitness & ATP Hybrid.
To get you started why not come and try our off peak classes FREE with our 7 day free trial and see which fits best for you.
The reviews from our current members speak for themselves but why not come and give it a try for yourself??